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Didirikan sejak Tahun 2004, Mitra Daya adalah salah satu distributor grosir Plywood terbesar di Pulau Sumatera, Indonesia. Pendiri kami dulunya adalah GM (General Manager) di perusahaan Plywood tebesar di Indonesia. Beliau sudah bepengalaman di bidang selama 25 tahun dan mempunyai segudang pengalaman dalam bisnis. Pendiri kami percaya dengan bekerja sama dalam hubungan yang erat dengan semua mitra kami. Itulah makna yang terkandung dalam "MITRA DAYA". Kami menawarkan plywood dan Blockboard terbaik dengan harga yang ekonomis untuk memenuhi  permintaan skala besar dari penduduk Indonesia, khususnya Sumatera.Bisnis terus berkembang secepat perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia.


Di Mitra Daya, kami yakin dalam kemampuan kami menciptakan lingkungan tempat tinggal yang lebih baik untuk semua orang. Dengan tujuan itu, Mitra Daya bekerja sama menjadi Exclusive Distributor Evershine Singapore untuk mewakili Evershine atas produk HPL dan Solid Surface di Sumatera, Indonesia.With that purpose, Mitra Daya is delighted to be the Exclusive Distributor of Evershine Singapore for representation in Sumatra, Indonesia. Dengan keahlian kami, kami berinspirasi untuk membangun rumah impian Anda.


Better home. Better life. 

Established since 2004, Mitra Daya is one of the biggest suppliers of plywood to the region of Sumatra, Indonesia. Once a senior management of the largest company in the integrated plywood industry, our founder has been in the field for 25 years and has a wealth of experience in the business. Our founder believes in closely partnering all our stakeholders, and hence the meaning behind "MITRA DAYA". We offer the best plywood and blockboard with affordable prices to cater to the large-scale demand of the population. Our business continues to grow fast as Indonesia's economy expands. 


At Mitra Daya, we strongly believe in creating better living spaces for everyone. With that purpose, Mitra Daya is delighted to be the Exclusive Distributor of Evershine Singapore for representation in Sumatra, Indonesia. We are proud to present a wide variety of High-Pressure Laminates (HPL) as well as Solid Surface materials of the highest quality. With our expertise, we aspire to bring to you a whole new experience in realising your dream home.


Through this, we are set to create better homes for everyone to live in. 


Better home. Better life. 

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